Thursday, September 20, 2007

Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares

Last night, after my family and I returned home from church, we watched Gordon Ramsay’s show Kitchen Nightmares. Loved it. Always have been a sucker for cooking shows. It was really amazing to see him go to restaurants, diagnose their problems and show them how they could be fixed. In last night’s episode, which focused on Peter’s Italian Restaurant in Babylon, N.Y. (which, I understand, is on Long Island). Amazing how a man’s hot temper and ego (Peter’s, not Ramsay’s) can almost result in a restaurant going under. The episode also showed how the restaurant’s money was being mismanaged—not in a criminal way, but in things like giving away too much free stuff, eating too much of the food to be served, spending money on wants (teeth bleaching) rather than on needs (a leaky walk-in refrigerator and a kitchen that needs to be remodeled).

All the food in the refrigerator that was moldy and had to be condemned…wow. The restaurant is very fortunate they weren’t closed down by the health inspector. They were able to pull it together and be not only successful, but also a mainstay in the community.

I was amazed by how profane Peter got with creditors. Seems like being profane and threatening violence will take a big problem and turn into the Titanic.

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