Monday, August 4, 2008

Working at the paper

Work is going pretty good so far. It's great to be a full-timer. At this point, I'd rather not say the name of the newspaper, but it's a weekly in Michigan. For the first time in my writing career, I'm writing using WordPerfect instead of Microsoft Word (although the two are fairly similar). When loading articles, briefs, columns and other word texts onto the server, we put them into Pagemaker. Interesting.

It's sooooooooo nice to be in a newsroom and smell the faint, pleasant odors of the ink from the print shop.

Today, I filed a tragic story. Mother was sleeping with her infant and accidentally rolled over onto the baby in the middle of the night. Police are ruling it an accident. A very tragic accident that, no doubt, will haunt the lady for a long time.

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