Friday, November 30, 2007
Yes, I'm very glad the Dallas Cowboys beat the Green Bay Packers 37-27. Would've been nice to see it (my wife's stepfather was at Texas Stadium for the game). NFL Network...GRRRR!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
The Golden Compass movie
I may not watch The Golden Compass, but it’s safe to say that lots and lots of people will. Some because it’s fantasy and they enjoy the genre and others because they want to see if the movie measures up to the controversy. The movie is said to have been based on fantasy literature written by an atheist and that, in the books, God is killed.
Many Christians are angry with this movie and no doubt many ministers are telling their congregation not to watch it. Just as they did with films like Life of Brian, The Last Temptation of Christ and The DaVinci Code. Other Christians are encouraging fellow believers to watch the film, feeling that discussion of the movie will generate opportunities to share the Gospel.
As for the Christians who plan to boycott and be vocal about it, just realize that all your boycott will really do is encourage more people to go watch it. It will spark the curiosity of some and for others, who love to see Christians get offended, they will go watch the movie for that very reason.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Guitar Hero
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
A photo a friend of mine took
Photo of me
I was taking pictures with our digital camera a few months ago when I opted for a self-photo. As you can see from the photo, I don't sufer from insanity--I enjoy every minute of it.
This is actually a rare pic for two reasons--I don't really like to smile for pics and I don't often wear eyeglasses in pics. Without glasses, I am very nearsighted, but I've just never liked wearing them for photos. Call me weird. Many have.
This picture does remind me of a time I was visiting at my grandparents' house. I was in the house and had this feeling that someone was behind me. I turned around and there was my Uncle Alfred (Mom's older brother) with a smile similar to the one above.
As you can also see, I have a big schnozz that would probably give Karl Malden a run for his money. There's this recurring nightmare I have where Michael Jackson's doctor calls me and offers me $50,000 for a graft of my nose for Jacko.
Burger King
Dad's health
Sunday, November 18, 2007
One thing you learn in the bakery business is that you can't estimate with the ingredients. The other day I accidentally put in too much water and the result was having a batch of bagels that, despite adding extra ingredients, didn't turn out too well. Rats. You live and you learn.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Work today
It's kind of strange to be up and working so early in the morning, and since I'm not a morning person (despite four years in the military), it's a challenge I am enjoying. If you have the type of job where you have to work in the early morning, best thing to do is go to bed early.
Of all the jobs I've ever had, one of my favorite was when I worked in the bakery at Pensacola Christian College. I loved going to work, loved what I did at work, loved the people and genuinely hated to have to clock out.
Nothing like being tired at the end of the day.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Wow! What a day!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Working again
Warren Buffett renews opposition to abolishment of estate tax
Buffett said this in Reuters: "Dynastic wealth, the enemy of a meritocracy, is on the rise. Equality of opportunity has been on the decline. A progressive and meaningful estate tax is needed to curb the movement of a democracy toward plutocracy."
Why does Buffett, Paul Newman and other proponents of the estate tax seem to presume that everybody inheriting money from an estate either a) is inheriting millions or b) is already wealthy?
Our government is about nine trillion dollars in debt, but it wastes billions of dollars annually in pork-barrel spending. Until it can show itself to be a good steward with the money it already has, why on earth should we allow it to have more money? Does Buffett really think these additional funds from estate taxes are being put to good use?
Hugo Chavez pouts about royal rebuke
Chavez was upset regarding the recent Ibero-American Summit in Chile in which he dismissed former Spanish prime minister Jose Maria Aznar as a "fascist" and said that snakes were a higher form of life than Asnar. The former prime minister showed amazing class by refusing to dignify Oogo's remarks and instead saying on a Colombian television interview, "I'm old enough to know some people need foreign enemies when things start going wrong back home ... Therefore, I'm not going to fan all that nonsense and lies. I will simply ignore them."
Oogo further said in the story that heads of state must be respected (after his comments at the conference, he was told by King Juan Carlos of Spain to "shut up"; the king used the familiar term "te" instead of the respectful "se", suggesting his cold feelings for Chavez). Funny, considering that Oogo has called President Bush "the devil" and talking about how a lecturn Bush used at the U.N. still smelled of sulfur. Oogo also has called U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice a "sexually-frustrated" woman.
Pretty strong words for a man who is eliminating term limits, putting his friends in power and is trying to shut down opposition media. Sounds like he's becoming the new Castro.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Fabio vs. George Clooney, Round 1
This last Friday actor George Clooney and model/butter pitchperson/production company owner Fabio got into a spat at a Los Angeles restaurant. Kind of funny. Here's an account of it from the website of blogger Debbie Schlussel:
George Clooney and romance icon Fabio stunned diners at Hollywood's swanky Madeo
restaurant on Friday, when they exchanged fighting words over a photo session.
Actor Fabio was dining with friends when one stood to take photos close to a table Clooney was sharing with his girlfriend Sarah Larson...According to In Touch Weekly magazine, Clooney thought the photographer was trying to take shots of him and asked her to stop -- a request that annoyed his fellow diner.
The magazine reports Fabio went over to Clooney's table to explain, but the conversation became heated, and the long-haired actor was overheard telling the "Ocean's Eleven" star, "I thought you were a nice guy. Stop being a diva!" [Emphasis mine]
The encounter reportedly prompted [an] angry Clooney to stand up and approach Fabio. An eyewitness tells In Touch, "The waiters broke it up before it got out of hand. "George looked annoyed. ... George was drinking but he wasn't drunk." Clooney reportedly skipped the rest of his meal, asked for his bill and left.
Fabio's manager has refused to comment about the incident, but says, "George is lucky he didn't end up in the ER."
Nothing better than a girlie-man like Fabio almost beating up a liberal fascist like George Clooney. Please, keep it comin'!
I wonder if Clooney yelled at Fabio (whose real name is Fabio Lanzoni): "I CAN believe it's not butter!"
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Dallas Cowboys win again. Yea!
When you don't feel like going to church...
Wow, am I glad I went.
The service, preached by Pastor Peter DeKlerk of Lapeer, Mich.’s Calvary Bible Church, talked further in the Book of Acts about the Apostle Paul’s mission work. Talked about how when people got saved they started clearing things out of their lives that would hinder their walk with God. It really challenged me to be alert about what my eyes see on television and what my ears hear on the radio. And then in Sunday School, we continued our exposition into the Book of Daniel. We learned more about King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream that Daniel revealed and interpreted for him. Great stuff, with lots of platinum nuggets of wisdom to ponder. (A lady named Nancy Green especially had some insightful observations to offer on King Nebby).
Moral to the story: if you don’t “feel” like going to church and aren’t sick, get your lazy self to church. Chances are, the “don’t feel like it” attitude is Satan trying desperately to prevent you from getting royal blessings from God. All the times in the past several years that I’ve forced myself to go to church I came away exceedingly glad that I went.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Second vehicle!
The one we have is actually teal, whereas the picture you see is one that's plum. It's an interesting vehicle, with light switches like nothing I've ever seen. It's a 4.3-liter V6, which means it'll get decent gas mileage.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Pat Robertson endorses RINO Rudy Giuliani for president
Hard to imagine that Robertson is endorsing a RINO (Republican In Name Only), considering that Giuliani supports three things that Christians traditionally oppose: abortion, gay rights and gun control.
IF Giuliani gets the nomination, he'll have a very tough time convincing this conservative not to vote third party. I'd rather cast my vote for a third-party candidate like Daniel Imperato rather than vote for a politician who seems far too similar to likely Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton.
Was Joe McCarthy right?
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Something that Oliver Stone, Jack Nicholson...
Speaking of Castro, considering how Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez is starting to tighten his control of the media and has said he wants to eliminate term limits, I wonder why Hollywood types like Sean "Jeff Spicoli" Penn* love him so much. After all, they hate the president even though Bush has term limits and doesn't shut down TV networks because he doesn't like what they say about him. Can you imagine the protests that would ensue if Bush tried to shut down CNN?
*Credit for Penn's nickname needs to go to attorney/columnist/blogger Debbie Schlussel, who has written that Penn's nutty political views show that life often imitates art (Penn played the constantly-stoned Spicoli in the overrated film Fast Times at Ridgemont High).
Monday, November 5, 2007
Stephen Colbert ends short 'presidential bid'
I wonder how many people thought Coblert's campaign was legit.
Dallas 38, Philadelphia 17
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Road to Perdition
Regarding the scene where Tom Hanks' character wounds Law's character, leaves and is eventually mortally wounded by Law: why on earth in the movies don't people ever kill their adversaries when they get the chance? Sheesh...
Friday, November 2, 2007
Trouble at Oprah's South African school
Winfrey opened the girls’ leadership academy at the beginning of this year. According to a Reuters report from Johannesburg, South African police have arrested a former dormitory employee. Charges include indecent acts and abuse. Police said that at least seven girls have submitted statements regarding alleged incidents. They also include indecent assault, alleged assault, “crimen injuria” (specifically, injuring another person’s dignity; this can apply to racial abuse and sexual offenses against children) and soliciting underage girls to perform indecent acts.
As of the posting of this blog, Winfrey has not posted a statement on her Website.
The academy, which costs $40 million, features a first class of 152 poor (mostly black) students selected by Winfrey. The school includes modern facilities that include a beauty salon, yoga studio and laboratories. There are currently about 450 students attending; textbooks, uniforms and meals are free.
Reuters reports that some parents have complained that the school is too strict. No junk food is allowed (which isn’t a bad thing), and when visiting the school, people must go through a security gate (again, not necessarily a bad thing). Some parents, though, took issue with the school’s restrictions on visits, phone calls and email contact and, according to Reuters, they compared the rules to those “in prisons.”
South African police said the school has cooperated with the investigation and that, according to Rapport newspaper, Winfrey even flew in to meet with parents and school officials to apologize for letting them down.
Interestingly, the article reports this: “Reporters who visited the school after reports of abuse were published were denied access to children and administrators.”
Duane 'Dog' Chapman in doo-doo
In the phone conversation, Dog used the N-word several times when talking about his son Tucker Chapman’s girlfriend (who is black). He also told his son that he should end his relationship with the woman. Dog also apparently expressed concern about the girlfriend trying to tape and publish proof of his own use of the N-word.
Dog ostensibly didn’t know his son was taping the conversation, nor did he know the son would sell it to that fine bastion of journalism, The National Enquirer. The tabloid’s editor-in-chief David Perel conveniently declined to say how he obtained the tape, but added that what was important was what was on the tape.
Dog has reportedly apologized to his son and to his son’s girlfriend, and to his
This reminds me of how Baldwin’s angry phone message for his daughter somehow wound up leaked to the public. I suspect there would be a lot more ugliness in the world if private conversations were made public, but the point is this: if Dog hadn’t been using inappropriate language, he’d have nothing to worry about.
Dog has tried to clarify his comments. According to the Associated Press, he was “disappointed in [my son’s] choice of a friend, not due to her race, but her character. However, I should have never used that term.”
I suspect A&E will wait and see if Dog’s indiscretion eventually fades away to yesterday’s news. If it does, and if African-Americans who’ve worked with Dog don’t report any racist vibes, then this story will eventually become a punch line down the road.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
At this stage of being a person who loves to cook as a hobby, my favorite things to use for seasoning include Cavender's Greek Seasoning (based in Harrison, Arkansas, where one of my uncles lives), soy sauce, basil, oregano and garlic powder. I hope to expand this list.
Dave's Insanity Sauce, for those who LOVE hot sauce
What was it like? I can’t imagine sipping acid could be much worse. Joe laughed so hard that Pepsi spewed out of his nose.
These days, I make sure I enjoy DIS in strict moderation. When a hot sauce comes packaged in a miniature coffin, that is great advice to heed.